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Nevada Math & Technology Camp

The Nevada Math and Technology Program (hosted by UNR) will be 100% virtual this year due to the unavailability of dorms for K-12 students. This is especially exciting news students outside of WCSD who have difficulty making the travel when the program is in person.

The camp is appropriate for all students with a genuine interest in the content, regardless of current achievement.

The cost will be reduced to $350 since the virtual camp won't require room and board. There are scholarships available for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch. With scholarship, the tuition for these students is $50/$100 respectively instead of $350.

  • Campers will be in grouped online by grade level and work on challenging content from the upcoming grade-level.

  • Camper groups will have highly qualified teachers and additional teacher support for breakout room support.

  • Afternoon/evening recreation and a field trip will be provided virtually

  • Campers will need their own access to a device with a web camera and internet access. Campers will be shipped all other materials needed for lessons and recreational activities.

The deadline to apply has been extended to May 21. The paper application is attached, and students can also access the application here:

Electronic Application

Paper Application


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